• Παρασκευή 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2025

Ντοκιματέρ | Δημοσιεύματα (Π.Α)

A WORD of sympathy for Ignatiou

A WORD of sympathy for our establishment’s old friend Michalis Ignatiou, who this week received some news that must have made pull his hair out. His nemesis, Cypriot hack Makarios Drousiotis was awarded the Press Freedom Award for 2005 by the Austrian Section of the international organization Reporters Without Frontiers.


Washington-based Ig has been accusing Mak of being unethical and unprofessional, after the latter’s excellent documentary had made the former look a bit unreliable as a reporter. The documentary featured Ig making unsubstantiated allegations about Greek Cypriots being bribed by the Americans in order to support a ‘yes’ vote in the referendum. His reports were picked up by the local media and politicians who embarked on a witch-hunt in Cyprus against the alleged traitors (the documentary is now available with English subtitles).


Ig has been railing against Mak ever since and has reported him to the Journalistic Ethics Committee on the grounds that he had not given him a say in the documentary. He has also been claiming, for several months now, that he has a list of names of Greek Cypriots who had received cash from the Yanks, but he has yet to publish it. What he is waiting for nobody knows.




Cyprus Mail
