• Δευτέρα 9 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

Ντοκιματέρ | Δημοσιεύματα (Π.Α)



MAKARIOS@SOAPBOX - this weeks annual ‘SoapBox’ event at Intercollege featured a lively, but at times trite, panel discussion on Makarios Drousiotis’ documentary/expose of how the news is constructed in Cyprus. On the panel sat Prodromos Prodromou, Nicos Koutsou and Alecos Markides. Prodromos spent 80 per cent of his time disrespecting DISY, and in particular Nicos Anastasiades – which lets face it is his reason d’etre for existing in a political sense. Nicos Koutsou maybe missed the point as his whole argument that Droushiotis should have put the other side of the story is just as ridiculous as giving a rapist air time to explain why he rapes women. The point of the documentary was to expose how the news, and in particular the witch-hunt on UNOPS funding post referendum, was constructed. Alecos Markides was the only person referring to the subject matter which he dealt with in a respectful and constructive manner. Essentially the former Attorney General said before judging any one as guilty or innocent, proof must always be given – without proof people’s rights are being violated. There was also a very wishy washy statement read on behalf journalist Michalis Ignatiou who regrettably could not attend the event. Ignatiou condemned Droushiotis’ account as biased, misinformative and one sided, an accusation which could easily apply to some of his own reportages. Certain questions remain unanswered from the day this documentary was launched. Why won’t one single TV station in The Republic of Cyprus show it? When will Parliament launch a proper investigation into all the whole referendum funding issue – with regard to both the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ camp? As Nicos Koutsou emphatically proclaimed in the documentary ‘Lets look at the bank accounts’ – suggesting people voting ‘Yes’ were on some kind of big fat US payroll. And I say yes, let’s do it, as long as we look at all the bank accounts – positive and negative.


By a scribe called Haji Mike

Cyprus Mail
